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Multipart & Forms

Methanol has special BodyPublisher implementations for multipart uploads & form submission.

Multipart Bodies

MultipartBodyPublisher implements the flexible multipart format. A multipart body has one or more parts. Each part has a BodyPublisher for its content and HttpHeaders that describe it. MultipartBodyPublisher.Builderdefaults to multipart/form-data if a multipart MediaType isn't explicitly specified. There're special methods for adding parts with a Content-Disposition: form-data header generated from a field name and an optional file name. These are referred to as form parts.

// Substitute with your client ID. Visit to get one.
static final String CLIENT_ID = System.getenv("IMGUR_CLIENT_ID"); 

final Methanol client = Methanol.create();

HttpResponse<String> uploadGif() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  var multipartBody = MultipartBodyPublisher.newBuilder()
      .textPart("title", "Dancing stick bug")
      .filePart("image", Path.of("dancing-stick-bug.gif"), MediaType.IMAGE_GIF)
  var request = MutableRequest.POST("", multipartBody)
      .header("Authorization", "Client-ID " + CLIENT_ID); 

  return client.send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString());

If filePart isn't given a MediaType, it asks the system for one using the given Path, falling back to application/octet-stream if that doesn't work.


A part's Content-Type is automatically added if it's created with a MimeBodyPublisher.

Generic Form Parts

Use builder's formPart method to add a form part from an arbitrary BodyPublisher. It takes a field name and an optional file name.

// Substitute with your client ID. Visit to get one
static final String CLIENT_ID = System.getenv("IMGUR_CLIENT_ID"); 

final Methanol client = Methanol.create();

HttpResponse<String> uploadPng(String title, InputStream pngImageInputStream)
    throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  var imagePart = MoreBodyPublishers.ofMediaType(
      BodyPublishers.ofInputStream(() -> pngImageInputStream), MediaType.IMAGE_PNG);
  var multipartBody = MultipartBodyPublisher.newBuilder()
     .textPart("title", title)
         "image", title + ".png", MoreBodyPublishers.ofMediaType(imagePart, MediaType.IMAGE_PNG))
  var request = MutableRequest.POST("", multipartBody)
      .header("Authorization", "Client-ID " + CLIENT_ID); 

  return client.send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString());


You can use formPart to add a file part from something that's not a Path (e.g. InputStream) or to override the part's filename property, which is not possible with filePart.


Use MoreBodyPublishers::ofMediaType to pair an arbitrary BodyPublisher with its proper MediaType if you want a Content-Type header to be specified by the part.

Form Bodies

Use FormBodyPublisher to send form data as a set of URL-encoded queries. Data is added as string name-value pairs.

final Methanol client = Methanol.create();

HttpResponse<String> sendQueries(String url, Map<String, String> queries)
    throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  var builder = FormBodyPublisher.newBuilder();

  var formBody =;
  var request = MutableRequest.POST(url, formBody);

  return client.send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString());


Requests with MultipartBodyPublisher or FormBodyPublisher will have their Content-Type header added automatically if sent on a Methanol client.