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JMH tests for Methanol's performance.

Running Benchmarks

Benchmarks are available as a runnable Jar in Maven. You run them as following:

java -jar benchmarks-1.8.2-all.jar


BodyDecoder vs InputStream

Compare Methanol's non-blocking decoders with available InputStream ones:

Decoder Mode Cnt Score Error Units
Gzip BodyDecoder thrpt 5 4170.501 50.458 ops/s
GZIPInputStream thrpt 5 4108.730 70.605 ops/s
Deflate BodyDecoder thrpt 5 4037.943 51.947 ops/s
InflaterInputStream thrpt 5 4035.100 162.641 ops/s
Brotli BodyDecoder thrpt 5 4186.791 213.283 ops/s
BrotliInputStream thrpt 5 2631.312 136.291 ops/s

Results show that BodyDecoder implementations are on par with available InputStream based decoders. Note that the brotli benchmark is biased as it also compares native C vs pure Java implementations.