All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract BodyAdapter that implements BodyAdapter.isCompatibleWith(MediaType) by specifying a set of MediaTypes the adapter is compatible with.
A subscription that emits items from a pollable source.
A subscription that emits items from a queue and completes downstream as soon as a sentinel value is observed.
An abstract Flow.Subscription that implements most of the machinery for execution and backpressure control.
A group of adapters, typically targeting different mapping formats, that facilitates creating HttpRequest.BodyPublisher, HttpResponse.BodyHandler and HttpResponse.BodySubscriber implementations based on these adapters.
A builder of AdapterCodec.
An implementation of BodyDecoder that uses an AsyncDecoder for decompression.
An object that decompresses ByteBuffer chunks of a compressed stream in a non-blocking manner.
A sink of bytes for writing the decompressed stream as ByteBuffer chunks.
A source of bytes for reading the compressed stream as ByteBuffer chunks.
Adapts a subscriber to a BodySubscriber where the body's completion need not be in accordance with onComplete or onError.
An object that converts high objects to or from request or response bodies respectively, using a defined format.
A BodyAdapter that decodes response bodies into objects.
A BodyAdapter that encodes objects into request bodies.
Utility class for loading/caching Encoder/Decoder providers.
A small DSL for testing BodyAdapter implementations.
Collects BodyPublisher's content.
A HttpResponse.BodySubscriber that decodes the response body for consumption by a downstream subscriber.
A factory of BodyDecoders for some defined encoding.
A small DSL for testing BodyPublisher implementations.
BodyDecoder.Factory provider for brotli encoding.
A subscriber that exposes the flow of bytes as a ReadableByteChannel.
A TrackedResponse that knows it may have been generated from an HTTP cache.
The status of an attempt to retrieve an HTTP response from cache.
A builder of CacheControl instances, with explicit directive setters for request cache directives.
An Methanol.Interceptor that serves incoming requests from cache, network, both (in case of successful/failed revalidation), or none (in case of unsatisfiable requests).
Publisher for the response body as read from a cached entry's Store.Viewer.
A RawResponse retrieved from cache.
Metadata for each response entry in the cache.
A Publisher that writes the body stream into cache while simultaneously forwarding it to downstream.
Char matching API to use internally.
Utility class for finding decoder factories.
A small DSL for testing BodyAdapter.Decoder implementations.
Identifies a provider from this module as default so that it can be overridden by user providers with same characteristics.
BodyDecoder.Factory for "deflate".
Delays the execution of a given task.
A persistent Store implementation that saves entries on disk under a specified directory.
An immutable 80-bit hash code.
A function that computes an 80-bit hash from a string key.
A publisher that completes subscribers immediately.
A small DSL for testing BodyAdapter.Encoder implementations.
Extension that provides Executors and terminates them after tests.
A publisher that fails immediately with a user-supplied error.
Helpers for implementing reactive streams subscriptions and the like.
A BodyPublisher for form submission using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded request type.
A builder of FormBodyPublisher instances.
A BodyAdapter that forwards calls to another.
A BodyAdapter.Decoder that forwards calls to another.
An BodyAdapter.Encoder that forwards calls to another.
An object that forwards calls to another and allows retrieving the delegate object.
A Subscriber<T> that forwards to a downstream Subscriber<? super T>.
Provides BodyAdapter implementations for the JSON format using Gson.
BodyDecoder.Factory for "gzip".
Static functions for converting the response body into a usable body type.
Tokenizes delimited header values into individual components.
An HTTP cache that resides between a Methanol client and its backend HttpClient.
A builder of HttpCaches.
A listener to request/response & read/write events within the cache.
Statistics of an HttpCache.
Strategy for recoding HttpCache statistics.
Common CharMatchers for HTTP headers and the like.
Helpers for parsing/formatting HTTP dates.
Thrown when all response headers aren't received within a timeout.
Thrown when a body subscriber doesn't receive a requested signal within a timeout.
A publisher of responses resulting from sending a given request and optionally accepting incoming push promises, if any.
Static functions for checking response status codes.
Basic implementation of ResponseInfo.
A publisher of items obtained from an Iterable<T>.
Provides BodyAdapter implementations for the Jackson library.
Provides BodyAdapter implementations for the JSON format using Jackson.
Creates BodyAdapter implementations for XML using JAXB.
Creates BodyAdapter implementations for XML using JAXB.
Creates new Marshaller or Unmarshaller objects on demand for use by an adapter.
Creates new Marshaller or Unmarshaller objects on demand for use by an adapter.
A ForwardingFileSystem that detects unclosed resources when closed.
An HTTP response cache that allows retrieval, metadata updates, insertion and removal.
Utility methods related to logging during tests.
Store implementation that stores entries in memory.
An HttpClient with interceptors, request decoration, HTTP caching and reactive extensions.
A base Methanol builder allowing to set the non-standard properties.
A builder of Methanol instances.
An object that intercepts requests being sent over a Methanol client.
An object that gives interceptors the ability to relay requests to sibling interceptors, till eventually being sent by the client's backend.
A builder for Methanol instances with a pre-specified backend HttpClient.
A BodyPublisher with a media type.
A Clock that can be advanced manually or automatically with a specified duration.
A Delayer that delays tasks based on a MockClock's time.
An Executor that records submitted tasks and allows running them later.
A mock gzip stream with configurable gzip stream fields invalid input: '&' corruption modes.
Modes to corrupt the gzip stream.
DiskStore.Hasher allowing to explicitly set fake hash codes for some keys.
An extension that provides plain or secure MockWebServers and Methanol.Builder either explicitly or by resolving parameters.
Factory for additional HttpResponse.BodyHandler implementations.
Factory for additional HttpRequest.BodyPublisher implementations.
Factory for additional HttpResponse.BodySubscriber implementations.
A BodyPublisher for multipart bodies.
A builder of MultipartBodyPublisher instances.
A part in a multipart request body.
A mutable HttpRequest that supports tags, relative URIs & setting arbitrary objects as request bodies.
A RawResponse that came from the network and may be written to cache.
A strategy for creating an ObjectReader for a given type.
A strategy for creating an ObjectWriter for a given type.
An object that prefetches items from upstream and maintains a certain number of .
A progress tracker for upload and download operations.
A builder of ProgressTrackers.
A listener of progress events.
A progress event for a multipart body with per-part progress info.
A progress event.
Providers BodyAdapter for google's protocol buffers format.
A response with a "raw" body that is yet to be handled.
An Methanol.Interceptor that follows redirects.
A strategy for connecting to Redis using Lettuce.
A session with a Redis Standalone or Cluster setup.
A StorageExtension that provides storage on either a Redis Standalone instance or a Redis Cluster.
A builder of RedisStorageExtension.
A FileTypeDetector that pulls media types from registered entries.
A small DSL for testing HttpRequests.
A builder of HttpResponse instances.
A response body that is yet to be handled into the desirable type (see Methanol.send(HttpRequest)).
A small DSL for testing HttpResponses.
An executor that ensures submitted tasks are executed serially.
A forwarding subscriber that ensures the delegate isn't called concurrently.
An object that loads & caches service providers.
An extension that provides a storage backend for an HttpCache.
Writes an entry's metadata block and data stream.
Reads an entry's metadata block and data stream.
A group of created Store instances and their associated configuration as required by a test case.
Extension that injects Store instances with multiple configurations.
Read/Write utilities that make sure exactly the requested bytes are read/written.
Specifies one or more Store configurations for a test case.
A Flow.Publisher<T> that emits submitted items.
A subscription that publishes submitted items.
An HttpRequest that can carry arbitrary values, referred to as tags.
An HttpRequest.Builder that allows attaching tags.
A Flow.Subscriber implementation that facilitates testing Flow.Publisher implementations and the like.
A consumer that permits throwing a checked Exception.
A Function that may throw a checked exception.
A Runnable that may throw a checked exception.
A Supplier that may throw a checked exception.
A subscriber that intercepts requests to upstream and schedules error completion if each requested item isn't received within a timeout.
A response with recorded send/receive timestamps.
A generic object that holds a reference to the Type of its generic argument T.
Static functions that make it easier to mix checked exceptions with lambdas.
Unchecked wrapper over a JAXBException.
Unchecked wrapper over a JAXBException.
A one-use atomic reference to an upstream subscription.
Miscellaneous utilities.
A ForwardingFileSystem that emulates Windows' behaviour regarding the deletion of files with open handles.
A BodyPublisher that allows streaming the body's content through an OutputStream or a WritableByteChannel.