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Change Log

Version 1.7.0


A full year has passed since the last Methanol release! Time truly flies. It's been difficult to find the time to cut this release due to my senior college year & other life circumstances, but here we are!

  • The Jackson adapter has been reworked to support the multitude of formats supported by Jackson, not only JSON (#45). That means you can now pass arbitrary ObjectMapper instances along with one or more MediaTypes describing their formats. For instance, here's a provider for a Jackson-based XML decoder.
public class JacksonXmlDecoderProvider {
  private JacksonXmlDecoderProvider() {}

  public static BodyAdapter.Decoder provider() {
    return JacksonAdapterFactory.createDecoder(new XmlMapper(), MediaType.TEXT_XML);

Binary formats (e.g. protocol buffers) usually require applying a schema for each type. ObjectReaderFacotry & ObjectWriterFactory have been added for this purpose. For instance, here's a provider for a protocol-buffers decoder. You'll need to know which types to expect beforehand.

public class JacksonProtobufDecoderProvider {
  private JacksonProtobufDecoderProvider() {}

  public record Point(int x, int y) {}

  public static BodyAdapter.Decoder provider() throws IOException {
    var schemas = Map.of(
            message Point {
              required int32 x = 1;
              required int32 y = 2;
            """), ...);

    // Apply the corresponding schema for each created ObjectReader
    ObjectReaderFactory readerFactory = 
        (mapper, type) -> mapper.readerFor(type.rawType()).with(schemas.get(type));
    return JacksonAdapterFactory.createDecoder(
        new ProtobufMapper(), readerFactory, MediaType.APPLICATION_X_PROTOBUF);
  • To avoid ambiguity, JacksonAdapterFactory::createDecoder & JacksonAdapterFactory::createEncoder that don't take an explicit MediaType have been deprecated and replaced with JacksonAdapterFactory::createJsonDecoder & JacksonAdapterFactory::createJsonEncoder respectively.

  • Added timeouts for receiving all response headers (#49). You can use these along with read timeouts to set more granular timing constraints for your requests when request timeouts are too strict.

var client = Methanol.newBuilder()
  • Fix (#40): Methanol had a long-lived issue that made it difficult for service providers to work with custom JAR formats, particularly the one used by Spring Boot's executable JARs. Instead of the system classloader, Methanol now relies on the classloader that loaded the library itself for locating providers. This is not necessarily the system classloader as in the case with Spring Boot.
  • Fix (46): ProgressTracker now returns MimeBodyPublisher if the body being tracked is itself a MimeBodyPublisher. This prevents "swallowing" the MediaType of such bodies.
  • Upgraded Jackson to 2.13.2.
  • Upgraded Gson to 2.9.0.
  • Upgraded Reactor to 3.4.17.

Version 1.6.0


  • Added HttpCache.Listener.
  • Added TaggableRequest. This facilitates carrying application-specific data throughout interceptors & listeners.
var interceptor = Interceptor.create(request -> {
    var taggableRequest = TaggableRequest.from(request);
    var context = taggableRequest.tag(MyContext.class).orElseGet(MyContext::empty);
var client = Methanol.newBuilder()

var context = ...
var request = MutableRequest.GET("")
    .tag(MyContext.class, context);
var response = client.send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString());
  • Fixed disk cache possibly manipulating the disk index concurrently. This could happen if an index update is delayed, as the scheduler mistakenly ran the index write immediately after the delay evaluates instead of queuing it with the sequential index executor.
  • Fixed TimeoutSubscriber (used in MoreBodySubscribers::withReadTimeout) possibly calling downstream's onNext & onError concurrently. This could happen if timeout evaluates while downstream's onNext is still executing.
  • Made AsyncBodyDecoder ignore upstream signals after decoding in onNext fails and the error is reported to onError. This prevents receiving further onXXXX by upstream if it doesn't immediately detect cancellation.
  • Made the disk cache catch and log StoreCorruptionException thrown when opening an entry. This is done instead of rethrowing.
  • Methanol now always validates request's URI after being resolved with the optional base URI. Previously, the URI was only validated if there was a base URI.
  • Upgraded gson to 2.8.7.

Version 1.5.0


  • Methanol now has an RFC-compliant HTTP cache! It can store entries on disk or in memory. Give it a try!

    void cache() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
      var cache = HttpCache.newBuilder()
          .cacheOnDisk(Path.of("cache-dir"), 100 * 1024 * 1024)
      var client = Methanol.newBuilder()
      var request = MutableRequest.GET("");
      var response = (CacheAwareResponse<Path>) client.send(
          request, BodyHandlers.ofFile(Path.of("banana_cat.mp4")));
          "%s (CacheStatus: %s, elapsed: %s)%n",
          Duration.between(response.timeRequestSent(), response.timeResponseReceived()));

  • Added CacheControl to model the Cache-Control header and its directives. This is complementary to the new cache as all configuration is communicated through Cache-Control.

  • Interceptors have been reworked. The old naming convention is deprecated. An interceptor is now either a client or a backend interceptor instead of a pre/post decoration interceptor, where 'backend' refers to Methanol's backing HttpClient. The cache intercepts requests after client but before backend interceptors. It was tempting to name the latter 'network interceptors', but that seemed rather confusing as not all 'network' requests can be intercepted (HttpClient can make its own intermediate requests like redirects & retries).
  • Added HttpStatus, which contains functions for checking response codes.
  • Added ForwardingEncoder & ForwardingDecoder. These are meant for easier installation of adapters from the classpath.
  • System.Logger API is now used instead of java.util.logging.
  • Fix: Don't attempt to decompress responses to HEADs. This fixed failures like unexpected end of gzip stream.
  • Fix: Decompressed responses now have their stale Content-Encoding & Content-Length headers removed.
  • Changed reactor dependency to API scope in the methanol-jackson-flux adapter.
  • Upgraded Jackson to 2.12.3.
  • Upgraded Reactor to 3.4.6.
  • New project website!

Version 1.4.1


  • Updated dependencies.
  • Fix: Autodetect if a deflated stream is zlib-wrapped or not to not crash when some servers incorrectly send raw deflated bytes for the deflate encoding.

Version 1.4.0


  • Multipart progress tracking.

Version 1.3.0


  • Default read timeout in Methanol client.
  • API for tracking upload/download progress.
  • High-level client interceptors.

Version 1.2.0


  • Reactive JSON adapters with Jackson and Reactor.
  • Common MediaType constants.
  • XML adapters with JAXB.

Version 1.1.0


  • First "main-stream" release.

Version 1.0.0


  • Dummy release.